
Pre Dawn Walk

Pre dawn walk is an exquisite way to embrace the serenity of the early hours. The world is draped in stillness, interrupted only by the faint rustle of leaves and the occasional song of awakening birds.

It’s 6:15 a.m. on a Saturday, 45 minutes before sunrise. The sky is a light shade of blue, with stars twinkling above and scattered clouds below. Not a soul is on the road, and understandably so – it’s still dark, and most are wrapped in sleep’s embrace. Walking through my community in this serene atmosphere, the smooth breeze carries only the scent of freshness. Birds chirp in the background, harmonizing with the gentle gusts of wind. There’s no moon in sight, but the stars, some brighter than others, draw my gaze. One even seems to blink, a subtle dance of light.

The air quality today is perfect, with zero UV index as of now. There’s no hint of rain, even though forecasts suggest a 50% chance for tomorrow. The paths I tread on are moist – evidence that many houses, including mine, had their sprinkler systems on during the night. In our community, each house has designated days to water their lawns; Saturday is mine.

As I walk, streetlights glow and front porch lights illuminate many houses. The hum of air conditioners occasionally disrupts the stillness, a sign that they’re working overtime on this morning. The nearby main road occasionally sends distant sounds of vehicles, reminders of the world waking up.

Passing the darkened community club, I’m reminded of the unique charm of walking during this time. For me, this is not just exercise but also a mindfulness activity. It’s a chance to be present, away from the noise of technology and life’s commitments. Instead, I find solace in observing the ordinary: dewdrops on grass blades, the distant hum of cars, or even a solitary car zooming past, its driver on some early-morning mission.

While most people maintain a rigorous schedule during weekdays, they often deviate on weekends. I glance at our community gym, lit but empty. Perhaps many sleep in during weekends, compensating for weekdays’ sleep deprivation. But this inconsistency disrupts the body’s rhythm, leading to struggles on Monday mornings.

Consistency is essential. If bedtime can’t be standardized, waking up should be. If sleep is compromised, an afternoon nap can help. Personally, when I miss my sleep, I rejuvenate with a brief nap.

One thing that surprised me was seeing an individual engrossed in a screen so early. Morning screen time, particularly news and social media, can be disruptive. While I’ve eliminated these from my routine, I believe if one must indulge, it’s better left for the evening.

This early-morning walk serves as a daily reflection. It’s a moment to appreciate nature, revitalize the mind, and set the tone for the day.

Today, my watch informed me that I’ve walked a mile in 23 minutes. Ordinarily, I cover this distance in less than 18 minutes. My mind wandering added almost five minutes – a surprising deviation. Perhaps I need to pick up my pace a bit.

On my walk, I encountered someone walking two dogs, and not far from them, another individual with a canine companion. I mused at the thought that these dogs likely motivate their owners to step outside early in the morning. These pets, instinctually understanding the value of the outdoors, prompt their humans to get moving. Had it not been for these animals, I suspect some individuals might remain indoors.

This morning also sparked a realization about the benefits of dawn. Nighttime solidifies memories, filtering out unnecessary information from our minds. The resultant clear state in the early hours, uncontaminated by external stimuli like news or social media, fosters creativity. This clarity is primarily why I draft my blogs in the morning – the words and concepts flow freely, undisturbed by the day’s distractions. Unfortunately, as society progresses, distractions only grow in number and volume. We must learn to harness the positives our world offers while shielding ourselves from its noise and potential harm.

Living in the Western world brings with it undeniable privileges: clean air and water, comprehensive amenities, safety, education, and more. While we take these luxuries for granted, they’re treasured commodities in many parts of the globe. However, freedom in our society is a double-edged sword. With it comes the freedom to engage in harmful activities, from unhealthy diets to substance abuse. The challenge lies in exercising our freedom wisely, relishing society’s blessings while avoiding its pitfalls.

Pre Dawn Walk

Continuing my walk, I was treated to a rare sight: two motor gliders soaring overhead. Their engines initially sounded like distant lawnmowers, but as they drew closer, their true nature revealed itself. As I meandered further, a moving truck indicated a new neighbor’s arrival—a heartwarming testament to the ever-changing nature of communities.