Showing items from mindfulness


Pre Dawn Walk

It’s 6:15 a.m. on a Saturday, 45 minutes before sunrise. The sky is a light shade of blue, with stars twinkling above and scattered clouds below. Not a soul is on the road, and understandably so – it’s still dark, and most are wrapped in sleep’s embrace.

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Mindful Walk: Discovering Clarity Through this Art

It’s early, six a.m., and I have embarked on my daily stroll which takes me about an hour and covers around 6000 steps. My pace is such that I do a mile in 20 minutes, summing up to about three miles. My walks are confined to my neighborhood because I lack the time to visit a park or a natural place.

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Mindful Eating

Mindful eating is a practice that encourages individuals to bring their full attention and awareness to the act of eating. It involves savoring each bite, paying attention to the flavors, textures, and sensations, and being fully present during the meal.

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The Art of Living For Today: An Ode to Father’s Day

Today, I’m eager to explore an often-neglected facet of our existence – the purpose of today. No, I’m not delving into the purpose of life as a whole, nor am I discussing the broader goal of the year, or even the week. Instead, I want to zero in on the significance of this very day. What is the plan for how we want to live our lives today?

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