Showing items from neuroscience-psychology


Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Explained: Insights into Hallucinations & Creativity

Hippocrates, widely regarded as the “Father of Medicine”, is a significant figure in the history of medical science. One of the most noteworthy treatises attributed to him is “On the Sacred Disease“, which discusses temporal lobe epilepsy. This work stands out because it represents one of the earliest attempts to understand disease in terms of natural rather than supernatural causes.

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Brain Power Boost: The Magic of BDNF

As we age, we all experience cognitive decline, which is the gradual loss of cognitive functions, including thinking, reasoning, memory, attention, and language abilities. It is a natural process that can occur as people age, but the rate and extent of decline can vary significantly among individuals. While some cognitive decline is a normal part of aging, excessive or rapid decline can be a sign of more serious conditions such as dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

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