
Condemning Election Rigging in Pakistan: An Urgent Call to Action for Democracy

Dear Ms. Maria Robayo,

I trust this message finds you well. I am writing to you as a concerned Pakistani American constituent of Representative Kathy Castor in Tampa. The recent events unfolding in Pakistan demand immediate attention and condemnation from leaders who uphold the values of democracy and freedom.

The illegitimate ascent of a government in Pakistan, orchestrated by military generals and intelligence agencies, is a blatant affront to democratic principles. The rigged elections held on February 8, 2024, stand as a mockery of the electoral process and a betrayal of the Pakistani people's aspirations for genuine representation.

It is imperative that Representative Castor takes a firm stance against such egregious violations of democratic norms. I implore her to sign onto the Casar-Wild letter without delay, urging the State Department not to recognize the illegitimate government installed through fraudulent means. The United States must stand unequivocally on the side of democracy and refuse to lend legitimacy to regimes born out of corruption and coercion.

Furthermore, the consequences of turning a blind eye to such flagrant abuses extend far beyond Pakistan's borders. A destabilized Pakistan not only threatens regional security but also undermines efforts to combat extremism and promote peace worldwide.

As a constituent deeply committed to upholding democratic values, I urge Representative Castor to add her voice to those calling for accountability and justice in Pakistan. The House Resolution 901, championed by Representative Richard McCormick, offers a crucial opportunity to express solidarity with the Pakistani people's struggle for democracy and human rights. I urge Representative Castor to cosponsor this resolution and demonstrate unwavering support for the principles it embodies.

I appreciate your attention to these urgent matters. Together, let us stand on the right side of history and condemn the subversion of democracy wherever it may occur.

Thank you for your prompt action on this critical issue.

Best regards,


Condemning Election Rigging in Pakistan