
How to Eliminate Noise from Your Life

Firstly, let’s define what noise is. Noise can be any unplanned intrusion into your time and space, primarily from outside stimuli. In our contemporary society, most of our days are filled with noise, from dawn to dusk. We often find ourselves being pulled in different directions that we didn’t initially plan for. The main culprits are typically tech companies, entertainment providers, and news broadcasting facilities. They all aim to grab our attention as it translates into profits for them.

Let me give you some examples of the noise we are exposed to. We consume content on social media, passively scrolling through information that has been curated for us based on our preferences and the platform’s algorithms. News from various outlets, unplanned phone calls, emails, and marketing solicitations all qualify as noise. Even unsolicited information thrust upon us can be considered noise.

Not too long ago, perhaps a century back, information was scarce, and access to it was a key to success. However, in the modern era, we have accumulated so much information from a variety of sources that it has become noise. Finding useful information in this pile of noise is akin to looking for a needle in a haystack.

It’s not to say that all the information we consume or that is thrown at us is worthless. There is indeed valuable information within it. However, the problem arises when this information is unplanned, unintended, and unstructured. We often do not deliberately seek this information.

I have managed to cope with this noise in several ways over the years. To eliminate noise and enhance focus, start by decluttering your digital and physical spaces. I’ve practically eliminated social media platforms from my life, not having logged into my Facebook account for the last two years and not having any of these apps on my phone. If I do consume social media, it’s very sparingly and deliberately.

For a very long time, I was an avid listener of NPR news, believing it was essential to stay updated with current affairs. However, I later realized that most of it was just noise. I figured that if an event was important enough, I’d come to know about it one way or another.

Next, I disconnected from news websites like Google News, where sensationalized bad news was my daily dose of dopamine hits. I also removed myself from numerous WhatsApp groups and personal email chains that generated more noise than value.

Over the years, I’ve trained people to communicate with my team rather than directly with me. I forwarded my emails to my team, allowing them to handle them. I have departmentalized all communication from clients, assigning the responsibility to the relevant departments.

I keep my phone on ‘Do Not Disturb’ mode most of the time, and I never answer calls from unrecognized numbers. My voicemail remains full intentionally, deterring others from leaving messages. This is not an act of arrogance but an effort to maintain control over my time and attention.

Unplanned phone calls can sometimes extend to half an hour of unplanned conversation. While it might be useful, the point is it was not planned and it disrupted whatever activity I was pursuing at that time. It’s preferable to have planned, structured calls as they do not disrupt your activities.

The ultimate goal in this new age of technology is to shield ourselves from distractions, be deliberate in our consumption of information, and decisive in our use of time. However, this doesn’t mean we completely eliminate spontaneity from our lives. It’s about finding the right balance.

The choice is yours – are you going to play a leading role in your life or be a spectator? Will you let others dictate the terms of your life, or will you determine your path? Will you resist the noise of the world, or will you be sucked into it? Will you carve your own path, or let one be drawn for you? Will you make your own decisions, or let others make them for you? Will you deliberately seek out information, or have it shoved down your throat? Will you determine your destiny, or let others write it for you? The choice is yours.