
How is the Quality of Your Thoughts Today?

At the start of each session, my yoga teacher would ask us a thought-provoking question: "How is the quality of your thoughts today?" Initially, I was puzzled by her question. I wondered why she would inquire about our thoughts instead of asking whether we had the energy for the exercise session. It seemed more relevant to focus on our physical readiness. However, over time, I've come to understand the wisdom in her approach.

We must begin with our thoughts. Our thoughts lead to our feelings and emotions, which then influence our behavior. This behavior ultimately shapes our actions. Therefore, a thought is the precursor to every action. If we aspire to produce high-quality actions, we must foster high-quality thoughts. It's a four-step process:

  1. Thought
  2. Feelings
  3. Behavior
  4. Action

Let's delve into each step. It all starts with thoughts, encompassing our beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions. These can be shaped by a myriad of factors, including past experiences, cultural norms, and individual cognitive differences. Among these four steps, I believe thoughts are the most crucial. You might also refer to this as mindset. A proper mindset is essential for undertaking any activity successfully. If the mindset is not aligned correctly, no matter how diligently one works on a task, success, enjoyment, and fulfillment will remain elusive.

Quality thoughts are, arguably, the most important aspect of our lives because they lead to actions, and actions determine our destiny. It's astonishing to break down this process and realize that to influence our destiny, we must start with the quality of our thoughts and mindset.

When asked for advice on how to correct someone's course of action, I emphasize the importance of working on their mindset and the quality of their thoughts. Our brain produces outcomes based on what we feed it. If we feed it negativity or misinformation ("garbage in"), it will yield negative or unproductive outcomes ("garbage out"). This principle is similar to the "garbage in, garbage out" concept in computer science. Conversely, if we provide our minds with informative, encouraging, and realistic information, the result will be something concrete, solid, and fulfilling.

Furthermore, it's crucial that our mindset is grounded in reality and truth, not in imaginary or distorted perceptions. A mindset anchored in reality and universal truths is the foundation for maintaining high-quality thoughts and, consequently, a high-quality life.

This perspective underlines the profound impact of our thoughts on our overall wellbeing and destiny. By nurturing a healthy, realistic mindset, we pave the way for positive actions and outcomes in our lives.


We must accept all truths, including those universal in nature and those specific to our environment. Additionally, we face both personal and social limitations, encompassing restrictions inherent to our individual circumstances and our broader environment. It's essential to be fully aware of these limitations and accept reality in its entirety. Let's take a step back and acknowledge that accepting reality in all its forms—universal, local, and personal—is the starting point for cultivating the right mindset. By embracing, valuing, and committing to live in accordance with reality, we establish a solid foundation for our mindset.

Upon accepting reality as it is, the next crucial step is to assume 100% responsibility for our lives—where we are, what has happened to us. This means fully owning our current situation without casting blame on others, fate, bad luck, deception, or any perceived unfairness. Rising above such tendencies, we must recognize that our actions and outcomes are grounded in facts and truth, and we accept complete responsibility for them. Whatever life, nature, or the divine has allotted us represents our share of the world, and we should embrace it with this mindset, looking forward to making a positive contribution.

With this mindset of accepting the truth and taking responsibility, we then aim to progress. As forward-looking beings, humans are not meant to dwell in the past; we are inherently designed to plan for the future. This outlook encourages us to strive for betterment—not just for ourselves and our loved ones, but for our community and humanity as a whole. Holding a mindset anchored in truth, assuming responsibility for our current state, and focusing on improving the future for everyone are the keys to determining the quality of our thoughts.

Moving to the next step, thoughts often lead to feelings or emotions. This phase involves our emotional responses to our thoughts or external events, which can range from positive emotions like joy and love to negative ones like fear and anger. Emotions play a vital role because they significantly affect our motivation and decision-making. For instance, believing in our ability to achieve a goal (a thought) may instill confidence (an emotion), influencing subsequent actions. Emotions are akin to the spice in food; without them, life might seem bland. By enriching our thoughts with emotions, we enhance our experiences and memories, making emotionally charged events more memorable and impactful. This integration of emotion with thought is part of our human nature, deeply influencing our behavior and choices.


We tend to remember emotionally charged events for a longer time, often ruminating on them, which can bring us satisfaction, whether the emotions involved are positive or negative. This depends on the quality of the emotion. Thus, it's useful to think of emotions analogously to spices: they can enhance our experiences, but it's important not to overdo it or choose the wrong type. Each situation, like a dish, has its appropriate "spices." Adding the wrong emotional "spices" can ruin an otherwise good situation, just as inappropriate emotions can be out of place in certain contexts. For example, while anger may not be suitable at your son's birthday party, it could be a justified response if your child is in danger or being threatened by someone else. Emotions have their rightful place, and most of the time, they arise naturally. We must strive to maintain an optimal level of emotional response.

When the quality of our thoughts is good, as discussed in step number one, it's more likely that the emotions generated will also be positive. Enhancing the quality of our thoughts can be supported by physical well-being; for instance, exercise can release endorphins, improving our mood and overall emotional state. Even a light stroll outside can foster positive emotions. Letting go of negative emotions like resentment or anger can also improve the quality of our emotional responses, leading to greater happiness.

Emotions are crucial because they lead to the third step: behavior. Behavior is the outward manifestation of our thoughts and emotions. It includes our actions in response to internal states and external situations, serving as a bridge between internal experiences and external actions. This can encompass everything from speech and movement to reactions and stillness, including both conscious decisions and unconscious reactions.

Behavior can be automatic or deliberate, but it does not occur in isolation; it is influenced by our thoughts and emotions. If we find ourselves engaging in non-optimal behaviors, it may be due to suboptimal thoughts and emotions. Viewing behavior as a bridge to our actions underscores its importance. Our behaviors, whether they are habits or reactions to triggers, set the course for how we conduct ourselves—how we speak, move, and respond to external stimuli, leading us to the fourth step: actions. Actions speak louder than words; they broadcast our values and intentions to the world without the need for verbal announcement. Our actions ultimately speak for us.


Actions are specific behaviors that are often goal-oriented and deliberate, representing the culmination of the sequence that begins with our thoughts and feelings, and manifests through our general behavior tendencies. They are the tangible outcomes we choose in response to our thoughts and the feelings those thoughts initiate. For example, feeling confident about achieving a goal might lead us to take concrete steps towards its realization, such as enrolling in a class or initiating a project. Actions are goal-directed and represent the physical manifestation of our behaviors in pursuit of these objectives.

The accumulation of our actions ultimately determines our destiny. To shape or change our destiny, concrete actions are necessary. Without action, destiny drifts out of our control, leaving us subject to the whims of our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, without any deliberate direction. Inaction leads to randomness; without action, there are no results.

Among these four steps, I regard action as the second most important factor, following the proper mindset. Without the right mindset, the cycle cannot commence correctly. Action is crucial because it is the initial step that enables subsequent steps; just as walking requires moving one leg in front of the other, no progress is made without action.

Thus, action is paramount, second only to having the correct mindset. The quality of our actions can vary widely, from good to bad, influenced by the quality of our thoughts and emotions, which in turn shape these goal-oriented behaviors. Some goals are short-term, while others are long-term; some actions become automatic over time through habit formation, such as exercise or brushing your teeth. These actions initially require deliberate effort but can become automatic, reducing the need for cognitive effort and making efficient use of our cognitive bandwidth.

To make certain actions automatic and avoid procrastination, one effective strategy is to establish specific times for various activities. By scheduling time for exercise, family, work, contemplation, study, socializing, personal hygiene, and self-care, we create a structured routine that facilitates action and minimizes the tendency to procrastinate. Planning and scheduling these activities help ensure that we allocate adequate time for each, promoting a balanced and productive lifestyle.


Of course, certain actions required to achieve our goals must be deliberate. We need to consciously force ourselves to engage in these activities. At times, this may not feel fulfilling, as it necessitates postponing instant gratification in pursuit of long-term success. Instant gratification, especially prevalent in today's world, is a formidable obstacle to achieving our long-term goals. The ability to delay instant gratification is often directly linked to a person's likelihood of success. The greater one's capacity to postpone instant gratification, the higher their self-control and the better their chances of success in life. Mastering the art of overcoming the lure of immediate pleasure allows us to take deliberate actions, which are crucial steps towards realizing the destiny we envision for ourselves.

This entire cycle is interconnected; each step leads to the next. Consider the belief that destiny is predetermined. Adopting this mindset as your starting point influences your emotional response, attaching feelings of acceptance rather than motivation to challenge your circumstances. Consequently, this mindset breeds a particular set of behaviors and diminishes the emphasis on action, potentially steering us into uncharted waters.

In conclusion, the quality of our thoughts shapes the mindset we carry, influencing the emotions we experience and the behaviors we adopt daily, ultimately culminating in the concrete actions we take. These actions play a pivotal role in defining, altering, or solidifying our destiny. It is crucial to understand this process and seek improvement in areas where we may falter. Whether it's cultivating a positive mindset, managing our emotions more effectively, modifying our behavior, or enhancing our action-taking capabilities, each aspect offers a pathway for personal growth. Everyone has unique strengths and weaknesses—some may excel in maintaining a positive mindset but struggle with emotional regulation, while others might exhibit commendable behaviors but lack initiative in taking decisive actions. The goal is to recognize these areas for improvement and strive towards betterment.

I hope this discussion illuminates the process by which our thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and actions intertwine to influence our destiny. By nurturing a healthy mindset, fostering positive emotions, engaging in constructive behaviors, and taking meaningful actions, we can all aspire to lead fulfilling, happy, and prosperous lives.

Step Characteristics Main Points
Thought Beliefs, attitudes, perceptions influenced by experiences, cultural norms, cognition Foundation for any successful endeavor; crucial for leading to positive actions and determining destiny
Feelings Emotions arising from thoughts affecting motivation and decision-making Enhance life experiences; necessary but should be appropriate to the context; managing emotions improves quality of responses
Behavior Outward manifestation of thoughts and emotions; bridges internal and external actions Positive mindset leads to positive outcomes; behavior is a bridge between thoughts/emotions and actions
Action Goal-oriented behaviors; tangible outcomes of our thought process Culmination of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors; deliberate actions are crucial for shaping destiny; overcoming instant gratification linked to success